Gynaecological-oncology is a specialty that deals with cancers in the female reproductive tract. A Gynaecological Oncologist is a specialist who is dual qualified with a minimum of 6 years of training in obstetrics and gynaecology with an additional training period of at least 3 years undertaken in gynaecological oncology (cancer diagnosis and management).
To be an accredited as a gynaecological oncologist, there is and exit examination set by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to obtain a Certificate in Gynaecological Oncology (CGO)
Dr Tan has undertaken extensive training in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology in NZ, UK and Australia to enable the best possible surgical outcomes and postoperative care for her patients.
The additional training in gynaecologic oncology is predominantly focused on increasing advanced surgical skills. This includes additional surgical expertise in bowel, urinary tract and laparoscopic surgery to help deal in surgical situations that may arise during treatment. It has been shown categorically that treatment of gynaecological cancers should be undertaken under the care of a gynaecological oncologist as survival is improved